Help For Refugees, Inc. is a Christian Missionary Organization.
Director: Michael Wurmbrand. This nonprofit continues the missionary work started by late pastor Richard Wurmbrand. Statement of Faith: The Apostles' Creed.

Help For Refugees, Inc., is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3)* non-profit corporation, EIN 95-3064521, trying to be of help to refugees from present and former communist countries. We help elderly Christians left in dire situations as a result of communism like formerly persecuted Christians in Eastern Europe. These Christians suffered through 3, to as many as 18 years of communist prison, because of their Christian witness. We help Christian orphanages in Eastern Europe, Asia. At this critical moment, we help Christian refugees from Ukraine. These Christians were obliged to flee their destroyed homes and whole destroyed towns.

We thank all free-will donors, readers of our newsletters, for their support. Contributors agree when making any donation that Help For Refugees, Inc. has complete discretion and control over the use of all unsolicited donated funds and the donations are not returnable.

*The organization is listed in the Publication 78, Cumulative List of Organizations described in Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, of organizations eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. Its status may be checked by entering our EIN in the upper right corner titled: request for SEARCH TERM: 953064521 and our linked name should appear at bottom.
Click following line: see IRS Public Charity Listing of Help For Refugees, Inc.

Romania Street Children   Romania Street Children

Pictures of orphans in Romania BEFORE being taken into the The Agape Orphanage (founded by late Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina in Pascani, Romania.)

Some AGAPE orphans helping in fixing the orphanage roof

AGAPE orphans (here Bogdan) helping orphanage roof repair

Your tax-deductible donations, if interested in participating in this help-work, may be mailed to:

Michael Wurmbrand, Director

Make your donations to:

Help For Refugees, Inc.
PO Box 5161
Torrance, Ca. 90510, USA.

On the Internet: Help For Refugees, Inc.

Samples of Support






2015 Receipt

$3000 Receipt June 2015

2013 Receipt

2013 Receipt


Help For Refugees


Help For Refugees continues the missionary work started by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina.

At this critical moment, we help also Christian refugees from the war in the Ukraine!

Click the links to any of our recent newsletters appearing in the third column,
to read the testimonies of these Christian refugees we help!

  • - Elderly Christians in their 80s and 90s, who suffered many years of communist prisons for their Christian faith.
  • - Orphan Children in the Agape Orphanage in Pascani, Romania, founded in 1993 by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina;
  • - Disadvantaged Children in the Accredited Richard Wurmbrand High School, Iasi, Romania;
  • - We help distribute the books and sermons of late Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, available in over 85 languages at the Richard Wurmbrand Foundation (see
You may make your tax-deductible check donations to:
Help For Refugees, Inc., Michael Wurmbrand, Director.
PO Box 5161 Torrance, Ca. 90510, USA.
On the Internet: Help For Refugees, Inc. or click Donate-button (See top-left) to donate through any creditcard account or a Paypal account:
To send donations for Help For Refugees bank to bank,
please inquire for bank account information by email or mail.
Mikhail A. Pshenitsyn Christians helped with your gifts

5 years in Soviet prisons, a 40 days hunger strike!
My fight for the Bible by the Russian Baptist Christian
Mikhail Alexandrovich Pshenitsyn
He writes: "I was imprisoned in two periods: 1974-1976 and then again was arrested and this time was subjected from 1985 to 1988 to a really harsh communist prison camp. I had succeeded somehow to have a Bible smuggled into my cell. I hid it inside the double bottom of a nightstand. An Afghan, a common-law criminal imprisoned for murder, shared my cell-block. He had been placed there by the communist authorities to spy on me. Having no suspicions, I witnessed to him and one day he asked to allow him to read the Bible. As soon as I gave it to him, I had doubts I will ever see this Bible again. Indeed, two days later, he claimed the Bible had been taken away from him by the authorities. I asked the Bible be returned to me but was refused. I told everyone I will fast until the Bible is brought back to me. In the beginning I did not touch any food in the prison mess. Since due to hunger I could not fulfil the work-norm, I was isolated in a stockade where I could only stretch on a bed of bare boards. The prison guards delivered food and water and were spying on me to find out if I eat. I only drank water. It so happened in this time period the government issued a general amnesty. I was called by the prison commandant and told how if I renounce my obstinacy and start taking food, there is a chance I could be liberated and be back with my family. I answered, "I will start eating only after you return my Bible since it says in the Bible that food is sanctified through God's Word and prayer. " The officer answered: "You will stay imprisoned and (when you die) we will tie just a label onto one of your corpse-toes. No one will ever know where is your grave." I answered, "How wrong. God knows everything." I had a curious experience while being so hungry. My sense of smell became very sharp. I could tell just having a whiff, what kind of food was being prepared in the far away prison-kitchen. Though so weakened, I was able to smuggle out of prison a letter to my family describing my condition. My family alerted many Christians, even believers outside the country. The prison authorities received hundreds of protests coming by mail, by wire even. The prison authorities were so startled by such a wide-world reaction to my predicament that on the 40th day of my fasting, the Bible was given back to me. I went out of the stockade, breathing the fresh air, miraculously having new strength. One of the common-law prisoners asked me, "so, where is the Bible?" I proudly pointed to my pocket. As soon as I took it out of my pocket, he snatched it from me. He was loudly shouting to his fellow prisoners, "I was right! I was right! I told you Mikhail will never renounce his hunger strike unless he recovers his Bible." I was wondering, how come he is so happy about me getting my Bible back? So, I asked him, "what would have happened had I come out without getting the Bible back?" He answered, "we would have killed you!" Thus, I found out these common-law criminals had placed bets on my faithful steadfastness. Thus, God helped me remain faithful and alive!"

Click to read an interview given on 7/2/2016 describing the suffering of Michael Wurmbrand in communist Romania; how the Wurmbrand family miraculously escaped (1965) arrived in the United States in 1966 and started a Christian missionary work.

A different interview is shown below. You may click here to read a transcript of the video interview shown below.

Michael Wurmbrand Video-Interview (in Romanian with English subtitles) at The Memorial MUSEUM to the Victims of Communism, Sighet, Romania (2002)

Click the arrow and wait 10-20" for the video to start.
The video controls reappear when you pass the mouse over the image!
(Adobe Flashplayer needs be enabled in the browser.)

Reverend Coceanga Late Reverend Gheorghe Coceanga Spent 5 years in Romanian communist prisons for his Christian faith.

From Reverend Richard Wurmbrand's Testimony in front of a US Senate Committee, May 1966

There was a brigade in Romania which was only for priests, bishops, pastors, rabbis, and laymen - whoever was in prison for his faith. One day a political officer came to inspect that brigade. Everybody stood at attention, and at random he called out a young minister (whose name was Coceanga) and asked him, "What have you been in your civilian life?" And he replied, "Sir, what I have been in my civilian life, I will be forever. I am a priest of God." "Aha, a priest! And do you still love Christ?" The priest was silent for a few seconds - seconds as long as eternity, because he knew that his eternal destiny would be decided in those seconds. The Lord said, "Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 10:32, 33). And then after a little meditation, his face began to shine - I have seen so many shining faces - and with a very humble but very decided voice he said, "Captain, when I became a priest, I knew that during Church history thousands had been killed for their faith. And as often as I ascended to the altar dressed in those beautiful, ornate robes, surrounded by the respect and love of the congregation, I promised to God that if ever I had to suffer, if ever I wore the uniform of the prisoner, I would still love Christ." "Captain," he went on to say, "I so pity you. We have the truth, and you have whips. We have love, and you have iron bars on prison cells. Violence and hatred is a very poor argument against truth and love. If you were to hang all the professors of mathematics, if all the mathematicians were hanged, how much would four plus four be then? It would still be eight. And eight plus eight would still be sixteen. "You can't change the truth by hanging those who speak the truth. If all the Christians were hanged, it would still remain so that there is a God, and He is love. And there is a Savior; His name is Jesus Christ, and by confessing Him a man can be saved. And there exists a Holy Spirit, and a host of angels around the earth. And there exists a beautiful paradise - you can't change the truth." I wish there was a way to convey the tone with which he said those words. We, the others, were ashamed because we believed in Christ, we hoped in Christ, but this man loved Christ as Juliet loved Romeo and as the bride loves the bridegroom.

Reverend Boila Matei

Christians Helped with your Gifts

A Testimony from the (Romanian Communist) Jilava Prison:
A Dangerous Bandit Learns Pray "Our Father"
By Rev. Matei Boila

"In 1957, I passed through the Jilava transit prison, being inside the underground cells numbers 9-12, cells that communicated from one to the other. In these cells were crammed 240 prisoners all hungry, cold, beaten and sometimes deprived even of air (the guards for long periods were not opening any windows or doors.) Among us was mixed a group of prisoners called the Salcia group (in Romanian Salcia means willow-tree) as they were coming from a prison camp of same name. These prisoners were not religious or political prisoners but common-law criminals, thieves, murderers. In that forced labor camp Salcia, these criminals, prisoners themselves, were given the possibility to "redeem" themselves in the eye of the communists by torturing in their turn special religious and political prisoners who were placed on purpose in that forced labor camp (to really be killed in this fashion.) Eventually after the communists used them they denounced such abuses and pretended they had not taken place on their order. Now this criminal group were those who made our life even more miserable by informing on us religious prisoners about our common prayers, meditations or short sermons and even when we tried to fill our time with innocuous stories, lessons, etc. They used a brutal, swearing, threatening language so strange to us.

Among them was a tall, massive man, named Geo Iliescu, well capable of terrorizing anyone around him. Being so big he himself being hungry in this prison was nervously chewing even during his sleep. One day he came to me saying, "Mr. Boila, please listen to me for a few minutes." I could hardly believe my ears, hearing him talk in this way instead of his usual language full of swearing and obscenities. I was of course afraid that this was his sarcastic way to approach me but I answered, "I will listen to you Geo with greatest love." - "To start with," he continued, "I need to tell you my background." -" I know it well, don't bother." -"Allow me please," he insisted, " as it is necessary for you to know it exactly in order to answer me correctly. I am a thief, a burglar, a murderer even. I stole, I raped, I killed. I never did anything well intentioned in my whole life. May I ask - am I allowed to pray to God like I see all of you (the religious prisoners) regularly doing it?" - I was deeply shaken and with tears in my eyes I answered him," Geo, if we would not be sinners just like you, sinners who kneeled in repentance before God, acknowledging our sins, how could we have the right to pray?" I never saw a happier man than Geo at that moment. -"Please teach me to pray." I taught him Our Father and amazingly he regularly after saying his prayer was supporting better the hunger. He was no more chewing during his sleep. Two years later, his sincerity (in this conversation) was proven. I was sick of pleurisy, close to death due to the intense hunger we were subjected to. Geo, meantime was part of the kitchen staff. He risked this "privileged" position to provide me secretly with extra food, the only thing that kept me alive. May God reward him." Rev. Matei Boila

Short Autobiography of Rev. Matei Boila

"I was born on 4/17/1926 in Blaj, Sibiu County. My parents were named Zaharia and Clara. I have a law degree obtained in 1951. During my student years I was an active anticommunist and participated, in 1946, in a strike (prior to the imposition of the Communist government in Romania.) I was arrested for a short period in 1947, then interrupted my studies for 2 years while I stayed in hiding in the house of Iuliu Maniu (my mother's uncle. Iuliu Maniu was one of Romania's foremost anti-communist political figures who died in communist prisons.)

Eventually I succeeded to complete my studies but due to my family relations and activity could not find any work (as a lawyer) and ended up as an oil-rig worker in the Tirgoviste County. From here I was arrested on 8/15/1952, sentenced administratively (that means not in a court) but was freed again in November 1953. On 1/1/1956 I was arrested again due to a petition made to the communist government protesting the communist dictatorship in the name of the Church, signed by several ministers and myself also. I was sentenced to 10 years of hard labor. I passed through the communist prisons of Jilava, Gherla, Galati, Botosani and through the labor camps of the Danube-Black Sea Canal and the Braila Swamps. I was freed in the general amnesty granted to political prisoners of July 1964. I was surreptitiously ordained as a minister in 1977 and in an underground mode I organized Bible teachings for youngsters and church services using Mr. Vasile Farca's (my father-in-law) dwelling. The secret service under the Ceaushescu's dictatorship limited itself to just interrogate and threaten me repeatedly."
Reverend Boila died in 2015. Help For Refugees has continued help his family.

You may click here: ORDER FORM to ask for the following FREE paperback books shown below.
Reaching Toward the Heights
"Reaching Toward the Heights"
A Year of Daily Bible Meditations by Richard Wurmbrand.
Tortured For Christ
"Tortured For Christ"
by Reverend Richard Wurmbrand who suffered 14 years in Romanian communist prisons.
by Sabina Wurmbrand. For her public Christian witness, Sabina was imprisoned by the Romanian communists for nearly 3 years.
by Reverend Richard Wurmbrand. The communist German journal Deutsche Lehrerzeitung, under the heading "The Killer of Marx," denounced WAS KARL MARX A SATANTIST? book vehemently, calling it "the most broadly based, provocative, and heinous work written against Marx."

Help spread the book Tortured For Christ among your Christian friends! You may ask in writing for up to 5 FREE copies (by USPS only, in order to avoid ONLINE spam. Please accompany the request with a designated minimum donation covering at least partially the US Priority Mail postal charges of $14.00)

(in English and many other Languages)
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Below on this page:
Help for Refugees Newsletters
Each LETTER TO THE DONORS contains: Unpublished writings of late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand; New testimonies and pictures of Christians persecuted for their faith, being helped now by this mission; Descriptions of charitable works started by Reverend and Mrs. Richard Wurmbrand.

meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2025 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.

meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /February 2025 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.