Help For Refugees, Inc. is a Christian Missionary Organization.
Director: Michael Wurmbrand. This nonprofit continues the missionary work started by late pastor Richard Wurmbrand. Statement of Faith: The Apostles' Creed.
Help For Refugees, Inc., is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3)* non-profit corporation, EIN 95-3064521, trying to be of help to refugees from present and former communist countries. We help elderly Christians left in dire situations as a result of communism like formerly persecuted Christians in Eastern Europe. These Christians suffered through 3, to as many as 18 years of communist prison, because of their Christian witness. We help Christian orphanages in Eastern Europe, Asia. At this critical moment, we help Christian refugees from Ukraine. These Christians were obliged to flee their destroyed homes and whole destroyed towns.
We thank all free-will donors, readers of our newsletters, for their support. Contributors agree when making any donation that Help For Refugees, Inc. has complete discretion and control over the use of all unsolicited donated funds and the donations are not returnable.
*The organization is listed in the Publication 78, Cumulative List of Organizations described in Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, of organizations eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. Its status may be checked by entering our EIN in the upper right corner titled: request for SEARCH TERM: 953064521 and our linked name should appear at bottom.
Click following line: see IRS Public Charity Listing of Help For Refugees, Inc.
Pictures of orphans in Romania BEFORE being taken into the The Agape Orphanage (founded by late Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina in Pascani, Romania.)
Your tax-deductible donations, if interested in participating in this help-work, may be mailed to:
Make your donations to:
Help For Refugees, Inc.
PO Box 5161
Torrance, Ca. 90510, USA.
On the Internet: Help For Refugees, Inc.
Samples of Support
Help For Refugees continues the missionary work started by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina.
At this critical moment, we help also Christian refugees from the war in the Ukraine!
Click the links to any of our recent newsletters appearing in the third column,
to read the testimonies of these Christian refugees we help!
Click the arrow and wait 10-20" for the video to start.
The video controls reappear when you pass the mouse over the image!
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From Reverend Richard Wurmbrand's Testimony in front of a US Senate Committee, May 1966
Christians Helped with your Gifts
A Testimony from the (Romanian Communist) Jilava Prison:
A Dangerous Bandit Learns Pray "Our Father"
By Rev. Matei Boila
Among them was a tall, massive man, named Geo Iliescu, well capable of terrorizing anyone around him. Being so big he himself being hungry in this prison was nervously chewing even during his sleep. One day he came to me saying, "Mr. Boila, please listen to me for a few minutes." I could hardly believe my ears, hearing him talk in this way instead of his usual language full of swearing and obscenities. I was of course afraid that this was his sarcastic way to approach me but I answered, "I will listen to you Geo with greatest love." - "To start with," he continued, "I need to tell you my background." -" I know it well, don't bother." -"Allow me please," he insisted, " as it is necessary for you to know it exactly in order to answer me correctly. I am a thief, a burglar, a murderer even. I stole, I raped, I killed. I never did anything well intentioned in my whole life. May I ask - am I allowed to pray to God like I see all of you (the religious prisoners) regularly doing it?" - I was deeply shaken and with tears in my eyes I answered him," Geo, if we would not be sinners just like you, sinners who kneeled in repentance before God, acknowledging our sins, how could we have the right to pray?" I never saw a happier man than Geo at that moment. -"Please teach me to pray." I taught him Our Father and amazingly he regularly after saying his prayer was supporting better the hunger. He was no more chewing during his sleep. Two years later, his sincerity (in this conversation) was proven. I was sick of pleurisy, close to death due to the intense hunger we were subjected to. Geo, meantime was part of the kitchen staff. He risked this "privileged" position to provide me secretly with extra food, the only thing that kept me alive. May God reward him." Rev. Matei Boila
Short Autobiography of Rev. Matei Boila"I was born on 4/17/1926 in Blaj, Sibiu County. My parents were named Zaharia and Clara. I have a law degree obtained in 1951. During my student years I was an active anticommunist and participated, in 1946, in a strike (prior to the imposition of the Communist government in Romania.) I was arrested for a short period in 1947, then interrupted my studies for 2 years while I stayed in hiding in the house of Iuliu Maniu (my mother's uncle. Iuliu Maniu was one of Romania's foremost anti-communist political figures who died in communist prisons.)
Eventually I succeeded to complete my studies but due to my family relations and activity could not find any work (as a lawyer) and ended up as an oil-rig worker in the Tirgoviste County. From here I was arrested on 8/15/1952, sentenced administratively (that means not in a court) but was freed again in November 1953. On 1/1/1956 I was arrested again due to a petition made to the communist government protesting the communist dictatorship in the name of the Church, signed by several ministers and myself also. I was sentenced to 10 years of hard labor. I passed through the communist prisons of Jilava, Gherla, Galati, Botosani and through the labor camps of the Danube-Black Sea Canal and the Braila Swamps. I was freed in the general amnesty granted to political prisoners of July 1964. I was surreptitiously ordained as a minister in 1977 and in an underground mode I organized Bible teachings for youngsters and church services using Mr. Vasile Farca's (my father-in-law) dwelling. The secret service under the Ceaushescu's dictatorship limited itself to just interrogate and threaten me repeatedly."
Reverend Boila died in 2015. Help For Refugees has continued help his family.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2025 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /February 2025 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /January 2025 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /December 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /November 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /October 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /September 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /August 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /July 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /June 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /May 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /April 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /March 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /February 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /January 2024 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /December 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /November 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /October 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /September 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /August 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /July 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /June 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /May 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /April 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /March 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /February 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
"Godliness is profitable"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /January 2023 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /December 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /November 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /October 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /September 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand /August 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / July 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments and also testimonies from some of the Christian Ukrainian Refugees from the ongoing war, we were able to help.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / June 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments we were able to help; also helped: Christian Ukrainian Refugees.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / May 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments we were able to help; also helped: Christian Ukrainian Refugees.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / April 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Vinogradskiy Daniil Mikhailovich, Vatulko Anatoli Mikhailovich; also helped: Christian Ukrainian Refugees.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Nadezhda Iosifovna Reiner, Sasin Victor Pavlovich, Bogdan Serghei Egorovich.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / February 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Tkach Vasily Ivanovich, Pavel Vezikov, Antonov Anatoly Anisimovich.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / January 2022 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Krivtsova Natalia Pavlovna, Viktor Miroshkin.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / December 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Fedorchenko Ivan Ivanovich; Shokha Viktor Petrovich; Enns, Yakov Yakovlevich.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / November 2021 /
Read testimonies from some of the elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Petr Ivanovich Tkachenko.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / October 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Iakimenko Maria Afanasii, Olga Gontar, Fomina Lyudmila.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / September 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Simendyaeva Tamara Alfredovna.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / August 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Kushnir Mykhail Georgievych; Olga Georgievna Pantiukhova (Nikora).
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / July 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Nina Anatolevna Chukhontseva; Vera and Nadejda Sidorova.
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / June 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Baptist minister Stepan Grigoriewicz Germaniuk (continued from the March, April and May 2021 Newsletters.)
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / May 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Baptist minister Stepan Grigoriewicz Germaniuk (continued from the March and April 2021 Newsletters.)
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / April 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Baptist minister Stepan Grigoriewicz Germaniuk (continued from the March 2021 Newsletter.)
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Baptist minister Stepan Grigoriewicz Germaniuk.
"How to Obtain God’s Mercy?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / February 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Baptist Oleg Popov; Raisa Matviychuk; Orphans at Agape Orphanage, Pascani, Romania.
"How to worship God?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / January 2021 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Baptist Anatolii Koplik
"Where is Jesus born?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / December 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Reverend Gheorghe Marian; Sasha Shevchenko; Iurii Bogdanov; also orphan children at Agape Orphanage, Romania
"The Spiritually Dead!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / November 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Reverend Zetea Stefan; Reverend Augustin MARE; Disadvantaged Children at Richard Wurmbrand High School, Romania
"Bitter Books!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / October 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Vasiliy Makarovich Aleksandr; Disadvantaged Children at Richard Wurmbrand High School, Romania; Orphans at Agape Orphanage, Pascani, Romania
"Doting upon the Unrighteous!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / September 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Rodin Vladimir Pavlovich, Pavlov Alexey Ivanovich, Deme Maria
"Renouncing Immaterial Possessions"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / August 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Galina DULIA , Anatol Kirilyuk, Chepets Ivan Filatovich
"Love is strong as death!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / July 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Peter Oliynyk, Bytin Alexander Fedorovich , Orphans at Agape Orphanage, Romania
"On God’s Covenants"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / June 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Liudmila Petrovna Protsyshina
"Who are God’s Ordained Priests?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / May 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help:Klimoshenko Nikolay Stepanovich, Bosco Vitaliy Nikolaevich
"Trying to be Great in the Kingdom of Heaven!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / April 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Didneak Grigore Vasilevici, Matveichuk Raisa, Mahovik Stepan Methodovich
"The Kingdom of God Is In You!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Nikitkov Alexander Valentinovich, Victor Karpuk
"Add To Your Faith, Virtue"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / February 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Gotman Margarita; Vera Nikolaevna Goryanina
"Fear Not!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / January 2020 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Sigarev Mikhail Lavrentievich, Romaniuk Vladimir Nikolaevich
"Filled up to the brim!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / December 2019 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Petru Abramovich Rogaliskii, Ivan Dmitrievich Tzera, Anatolii Rublenko
"God Demands Urgency!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / November 2019 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Pavlenco Alexandru Ivanovich, Nagornai Anatolii Konstantinovich, Vasile Turkevich, Disadvantaged Children at Richard Wurmbrand High School, Romania.
"Place Your Sorrows in The Past!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / October 2019 /
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Tevs Ivan, Pantyukhova Olga, Orphans at Agape Orphanage, Romania.
"Manna from Heaven!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / September 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Martian Tiberiu, Nikolai Kruchinin, Mashnitskaya Leonida, Mashnitsky Petru, Mihai Sabau
"Christians Need Weep, Cry, Scream, or Howl!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / August 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Gheorghe Marian, Berezovskii Vasile, Kapetii Vasile, Victor Fanea
"Oppose Evil With No Compromise"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / July 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Galina Iatziuk, Vera Jeltonojko, Krugovih Alexandru, Omilianciuk Nikolai
"Prepare a Feast for Jesus"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / June 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Ioan Mereu, Reutova Tatiana, Jukovskaia Evelina, Ekaterina Shepel
"The Sin of Apathy"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / May 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Kosteniuk Victor, Popov Tatiana, Antonina Kurkina, Anatolie and Pavel Shkarovski
"Jesus' Politeness"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / April 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Sasin Victor, Dorofeeva Galina, Lavkaitis Vatlava, Firsova Valentina
"The Seal of the Living God"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Disadvantaged Children at Richard Wurmbrand High School, Romania, Petru RUMATCHIK, Goman Liuba and Vitali
"Are Your Children Blessed?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / February 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Orphans at Agape Orphanage, Romania, Atanasoaie Neculai, Aursulesei Ioan, Ileana Russ
"Our Modest God"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / January 2019
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Orphans at Agape Orphanage, Romania, Disadvantaged Children at the Richard Wurmbrand High School, Romania, Matei Boila
"The Son of God marvels"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / December 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Yulia Romanov, Filip CRACIUN
"Entrust God with the Little You Have"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / November 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Razumovskii Alexandru, Dorofeeva Galina, Julia Romanov, Victor Sasin, Loiko Nikolai
"Jesus, used to being driven out!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / October 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Emil Riti, Barin Catherine, Orphans at Agape Orphanage, Romania, Tevs Ivan, Aida Skripnikova
"Why Try Communicate with Persecuted Believers?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / September 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Disadvantaged Children at Richard Wurmbrand High School, Romania, Levtzeniuk Anatolii, Sergiu Grosu
"How to Glorify God?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / August 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Shapoval Dina, Demcenko Vitalie, Nicolai Varacsa, Didneak Maria
"How to Obtain Joy in the Lord?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / July 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Traian Ban, Teodor (Relu) Babut, Szilagi Sandor, Mihai Iovin
"Do We Know the Riches of God?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / June 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Mircea Detesan, Gheorghe Mladin, Pusok Miklos (senior and junior) Caraman Constantin, Ilie Neamtu
"Imminent Danger - Karl Marx was a Satanist!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / May 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Kisvaradi Magdolna, Orphans in Agape Orphanage, Romania, Ferencz and Iulia Visky
"Walking in the Spirit"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / April 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Krivtzova Natalia, Balogh Bela, Disadvantaged Children in the Richard Wurmbrand High School
"Why Pilate Received no Answer from Jesus`? "
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Galina Ivanovna, Fadeeva Dina, Muhin Alexandru, Polushin Leonid
"Is There Any Need for the Christian Faith?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / February 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Ghenadi Efremov, Ritikov Vladimir, Tuliupa Vladimir, Goman Vitalie and Liuba, Savelieva Valentina
"The 19 Joys That Make Christian Believers Be Radiant"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / January 2018
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: POIUNOV Fedor, Vasile SMETANIUK, Vera and Sidorova Panteleevna, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
"God Is Love"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / December 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Bible Smugglers Silvestru Tcaciuc, Nicolae Barsan
"Surrounded by Angels"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / November 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Andrei Borinsky, Krivko Michail, Andrietz Alexander, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
"God's Disappointment in Us, His Children!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / October 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Victor FILIPSHIN, Victor PEREDEREEV, Lacatosh Pavel, Yurii Meshko, Petru URSUL, Nikolai RUSNAK
"Christians are doing a great work!"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / September 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Mikhail Deshko, Pidchenco Vera, Andrietz Petru, Dubovic Vladimir, Iachimiuc Ivan
"The Three Right Prayer Requests"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / August 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Petru Pecican, Olimpia and Antoneta Prefit, Augustin Prundus, Andrei Yudintsev, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
"Why Have Faith?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / July 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Jucova Valentina, Simionova Lidia, Paiunov Feodor, Disadvantaged Children in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool
"Profound Faith"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / June 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: CLIPA, Teodora, Eugenia Farcas, Grigore DOGARU, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool and Agape Orphanage, Romania
"Trusting God in Prayer"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / May 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: SKORNIAKOV, Nina, Eugen Blajut, IUDINTEVA Olga, Disadvantaged Children in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool, Romania
"The Power of Faith"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / April 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: IVASHENCO Iacov, Natalia DUDENKOVA, Liubovi and Victor Kuzmichi, PRUTEANU Maria, Orphans in Agape Orphanage, Romania
"A Prayer when in Trouble"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Ludmila SAVCHENKO, Muravleov Nicolae, NICHITA Gheorghe, BOGDANOV Iurii, BORINSKII Filip, SMIRNOV Nicolae, Orphans in Agape Orphanage, Romania
"What do we need?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / Februry 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Rodoslavov Eugen, Lyuba Lozinskaya, Mikhail Alexandrovich Pshenitsyn, Orphans in Agape Orphanage, Romania
"A Remedy for Suffering"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / January 2017
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Stephen Ghermaniuk, Liubovi Uhina, NAPRIENKO, Valentin and Beniamin, Pozdniakov Nicolae, Vilcinskaia Galina
"Who is Jesus Christ?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / December 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Petru Pruteanu, Vladimir KOROP, DRON Nicolae, TIMCHUK Vladimir, Petru RUMATCHIK
"Our Belief in God's Miracles"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / November 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Zambrian Melian, Zaharia Oselsky, Vera and Mikhail Horev, Baklajansky Vladimir, Ion Clipa
"God Is Alive"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / October 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Costache Codreanu, Trifu Ion, Ilie Neamtu, Oleg Perbikovski, Orphans in Agape Orphanage, Romania
"Our Father"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / September 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Liviu Chifor, Vasile Gherman, Gheorghe-Aron Mladin, Raceanu Nicolae, Racovitan Teodor, Andercau Vasile, Teodor Daraban
"The Son of God"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / August 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Vasile Tasca, Vadan Vasile, Teodor Miclea
"We need honor persecuted Christians"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / July 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Vasile Tasca
"What Makes A True Minister"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / June 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Ivan BELEV, TUDOSE Constantin
"Is There A God?"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / May 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Todor Nicolae, Ferencz and Iulia Visky
"The Bread Which Came Down From Heaven"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / April 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Traian Chilau, Elena Stratulat, Disadvantaged Children in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool, Romania
"The Inner-Man"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Pusok Miklos, Jidveian Nicolae, Kisvaradi Magdalena, Orphans in Agape Orphanage, Romania
"Being In The Spirit"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / February 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Melania Ritiu, Rebreanu Petre, Erdes Varvara, Orphans in Agape Orphanage, Romania, Nicolae Tudor
"The Last Judgment"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / January 2016
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Nicolaie Moldoveanu, Dumitrascu Gheorghe, Gheorghe Coceanga
"You are the salt of the earth; you are the light of the world"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / December 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Ariesan Grigore, Terelai Petrica, Ioan Bota, Nistor Chisbora, Orphans in Agape Orphanage, Romania,
Being "poor in spirit," the "key" to the Kingdom Of Heaven
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / November 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Buruiana Tudora, Moga Maria, Szabo Margareta, Dorz Traian, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
John 3:16
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / October 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Lidia Vasiu, Tamasila Trandafir, Preda Ioan, Iftimoaie Anica, Orphans in the Agape Orphanage, Romania
God's Beauty Parlor
meditation by late Mrs. Sabina Wurmbrand / September 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Elena POPA, Stan Valerica, Preda Iovita, Stepanescu Ilie, Orphans in the Agape Orphanage, Romania
"...that they may be one..."
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / July 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Monica Calota, Anica Iftimoaie, Orphans in the Agape Orphanage, Romania Pop Alexandru
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord..."
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / June 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Lunguleasa Ioan, Bregaru Florica, Dumitra Mihai, Alexandru Pop, Augustin Pop, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
Documented communist plot to assassinate the Wurmbrand family
and the teaching derived from it / May 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Andronic Luci, Barbu Maria, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
"The Labourers Are Few"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / March 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Tertulian Langa, Pantelie Petre, Cristescu Gheorghe
"A poem composed during communist solitary confinement"
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / February 2015
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Jozsef VARADI, STEFANACHE Dragomir, Azamfirei Stefan, Boanta Ioan, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand Highschool and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
God's love: "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city..."
meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / December 2014
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Andrei Gheorghe, Silaghi Cornel
Richard Wurmbrand Obtains Clothing for His Freezing Fellow Inmates
(a testimony of a fellow prisoner about late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand) / October 2014
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Stepanescu Ilie, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand High School and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
"And Jesus called a little child unto him" / August 2014
meditation by Michael Wurmbrand
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Valer Irinca, Ioan Prodan, Szekely Balint, Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand High School and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
2nd Newsletter of Michael Wurmbrand / May 2014 / Testimony of Reverend Boila (how a criminal became a Christian
in the communist prison of Jilava!)
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand High School and the Agape Orphanage, Romania
1st Newsletter of Michael Wurmbrand / February 2013
Read testimonies from elderly Christians, formerly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith under communist governments, we were able to help: Disadvantaged Children and Orphans in the Richard Wurmbrand High School and the Agape Orphanage, Romania